I need to repair a large section of stucco on the exterior of my house due to cracks. The stucco is textured in what can be best described as a knockdown type pattern. How does one apply the finish to match the original pattern - are texture guns available for this similar to texture guns for drywall?
As I said over in the the other thread, you can use most of the texture spray units on the market for spraying stucco. When you say you've got a large area to repair, what's the condition of the wall currently? is it just all vracked up or do you have a section with voids down to the lath?
I replied in the other thread - I also posted here based on your suggestion. Let me repeat what I said there.
Actually large area is not an accurate description.
Is the sprayer you mentioned a dedicated sprayer or is it something that will attach to a compressor. I have a 13 gallon compressor that will put out 6.5 SCFM @ 40 PSI. My understanding is that not all texture sprayers for drywall can be used for stucco.
I need to do about 1/2 section of a pillar next to the garage door (about 1' X 3') - so not too large. The damage has been caused by some unknown object hitting it so the whole section is going to have to be repaired. I'm calling a contractor to assess whether any structural damage has occurred. If the damage is only to the stucco I plan to patch it myself. There is a dent in the stucco with cracks spreading outwards. I believe all the existing stucco will have to be removed and repatched.
PS - can you tell me the model of the sprayer you have. I visited the marshalltown web site but cannot find any sprayers.
A gravity fed hand held hopper will spray stucco. Some pumps will some won't. A 6.5 cfm volume is just adequate for most hopper guns. Air volume is more important than pressure. Spraying will take 20# or less pressure.
What you will probably do is spray the whole area with rather thin stucco to get an even pattern then cut down on the pressure or stiffen the mud or both or enlarge the spray orfice or all of the above to get some larger gobs which you will flatten out with a trowel when the time is right.
You must know apply the scratch and brown coats already.
You can use a dash brush to achieve a decent texture that comes close to matching the texture of a sprayer. It goes a bit slower but in an area as small as you describe shouldn't take more than five minutes. It will take longer than that to set up ans clean the gun. I think a dash brush can be had for about $10.00.
Thanks guys for your inputs. I will investigate both options. I may go with the gun option as I was thinking of buying one anyway for drywall repairs - the whole house is textured - walls, celiings and exterior. I currently have a hand pumped texture gun for patching and repair.
Any inputs on specific makes/models of guns that can be used for drywall mud as well as stucco would be welcome. I presume that not all guns can do both - I guess this is what tightcoat was saying.
I think the most versatile and simplest of the hopper guns that I have seen is by Wall Pro or WalPro or something like that.
Not familiar with the Walpro brsnd, I used walboard brand tools. But seems that tool brands preferences vary by the part of the world you're from.
Here's a link to a good tool source, bought alot of stuff from them over the yrs, good prices, quick service, very knowledgable people to deal with.
The Marshalltown rig at the bottom of the page is what I use.
I'd use a power washer and a wire brush to completely remove all loose material from the area prior to starting any repairs.
I looked at the pictures on the website referenced above. I think the Wall-Board hopper is the one I was thinking of. I own a Goldblatt and it works fine. The wallBoard I used is simpler. I like the air entry at the rear of the handle better than at the bottom. If it is at the rear it lets you rest the handle on the floor or plank when filling it without kinking the air line. Still the WallBoard seems more versatile.
I saw saw some terrible reviews of the Goldblatt sprayer on the web somewhere so I ruled it out. Seems like you are a satisfied customer though....
awesomedell - do you know what the CFM and PSI ratings are for your Sharpshooter gun. I wanted to see if this would work with my compressor and it does not say on the web site.
Tags: stucco, dash brush, guns that, hopper guns, large area, other thread, texture guns, that will, will take