iFit Live is an interactive fitness training program created by NordicTrack, for use on compatible fitness devices. The iFit Live module can be configured with a number of different workout routines, including ones from Biggest Loser trainer Jillian Michaels. The iFit Live device can also display Google Maps information on your treadmill or other fitness machine, to make it seem as if you are out running somewhere exotic. Before you can begin using the system, you must create an iFit Live account and register your iFit Live device on your laptop.
1. Open your web browser, navigate to the iFit Live website (see Resources). Click Register Now to create an account. Enter your personal information as requested. You will need the activation code included with your iFit Live device.
2. Plug the USB cable (included) into the iFit Live device. Plug the remaining end into an open USB port on your laptop.
3. Navigate to the iFit Live software installation page in your browser (see Resources). Click Install Now to begin installing the necessary software and configuring the device. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup. Once complete, the software will display the message, Device Has Been Successfully Configured.
4. Disconnect the iFit Live device from your computer.
5. Power off the iFit-compatible fitness device (treadmill, etc.) and unplug the power cord. Plug the iFit Live device into the fitness device and repower the machine to begin using the properly configured iFit Live device.
Tags: connect, laptop, nordictrack, ifit, iFit Live, iFit Live device, Live device, begin using, device Plug, fitness device, iFit Live device Plug