Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Make Ringmaster Hats For Kids

Your child can tame make-believe tigers when he wears his ringmaster's hat.

In a child's make-believe world, it is a thrill to be the ringmaster at a circus. You will help complete his fantasy if you make a ringmaster's hat. It can be easily crafted from a sheet of poster board and decorated to your child's delight. He will wear it with pride as he tames the lions and bears.


1. Cut the length of the poster board to the desired height of your hat. Cut the width of the board so the edges can be brought together and overlapped 1 inch to fit on the child's head above the brow-line. Staple the two edges together at the top and bottom. Dab tacky white glue under the edge to reinforce it. This forms the tall part of the hat.

2. Stand the cylinder upright in the center of a square piece of poster board. The square needs to be 6 inches larger than diameter of the cylinder. Trace the cylinder's outline on the poster board with a soft pencil. Remove the cylinder. Draw a second circle inside the outline. Allow a 1-inch space between the two circles.

3. Cut the center from the smaller circle. Cut V-shaped notches along the center edge. The point of the V will meet the pencil line of the larger circle. Place the Vs 1 inch apart around the entire circle. Fold these tabs up at right angles. Apply glue to the outside surface of the tabs. Place the cylinder over the tabs and gently press on the inside of the hat to secure them to the inside of the cylinder. Let it dry thoroughly.

4. Round the corners of the brim with scissors. Use gentle pressure and coax the sides of the brim to roll upwards slightly.

5. Set the top of the hat on a piece of poster board. Trace around the rim. Cut this circle out with scissors. Apply glue to the top rim of the hat and position the circle on it. Run your finger around the edge to secure it. Allow the glue to dry. Your hat is now ready to decorate as you wish.

Tags: make, ringmaster, poster board, Apply glue, piece poster, piece poster board, with scissors