Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Seal My Brick Patio

A brick patio is an asset to your home, providing a place to relax or entertain in the great outdoors. A well-constructed brick patio is durable and will last for years, yet the main components of the deck, the bricks, are subject to the effects of weather and time. Sealing the bricks can help prevent your bricks from deteriorating.


1. Clean the brick patio thoroughly with a power washer using clear water.

2. Clean any mildew or mold that remains on the bricks after the power washing with a solution or equal parts bleach and water and a scrub brush.

3. Let the bricks dry thoroughly before proceeding. A full day of warm dry temperatures and sunshine should suffice.

4. Seal any cracks in the bricks with a clear silicone sealant.

5. Paint the bricks with a brick sealant compound (available from building supply or paint stores). Use a brush or roller, depending upon the amount of area you need to cover. Keep foot traffic off of the patio while the bricks dry.

6. Let your first coat of sealant dry for at least a day, then apply a second coat. Let the second coat dry before walking on the patio or replacing furniture on the patio.

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