The ficus bush, also referred to as the weeping fig, is an indoor plant that can be seen in homes and offices everywhere. Though the bush is void of flowers, the dark green foliage complements any space. The leaves are not only attractive, they also help clean the air. The ficus bush requires little maintenance, but what little it needs must be done right to help it live a long, healthy life.
1. Place your ficus bush in an area with a lot of direct sunlight. If part of the bush is out of the sunlight, rotate the plant weekly.
2. Water your ficus bush evenly with lukewarm water, typically once per week. Keep the water level consistent and moderately moist, not dry or soggy. No more than two inches of surface soil should ever dry out.
3. Fertilize your ficus bush with a 20-20-20 or pelleted fertilizer to maintain healthy growth. Follow the instructions on the package to ensure proper application.
4. Wipe the leaves of your ficus bush regularly with a damp cloth to remove dust and pests.
5. Prune your ficus bush if it becomes larger than you desire. Simply use pruning shears to trim the branches down to your preferred size. For detailed instructions on prune your ficus bush, see the link in the Resources section of this article.
Tags: ficus, bush, ficus bush, your ficus, your ficus bush