Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Cancel A Prepaid Legal Membership

Once you have canceled your Prepaid Legal membership be sure to follow up.

Prepaid Legal Service provides service for a variety of legal matters. Some of the services include consultation, preparation of wills and representation in court as well as legal advice. You have access to a network of attorneys to service you. This membership can be obtained as an individual or through a group benefit. If you decide you no longer want to participate in the plan, you can get your membership canceled just by taking a few steps. Representatives from Pre-paid Legal Service will assist you once you have prepared the necessary paperwork.


1. Determine how you will cancel your membership. You can send in your own letter stating that you wish to cancel your prepaid membership. Your name, address and membership number should be listed on your letter. You letter should say, I wish to cancel my Pre-paid Legal Membership effective immediately. Sign and date your letter. You can mail the letter to Pre-paid Legal P.O. Box 2629 Ada, Oklahoma 74821. You can also fax your letter to 580-310-7667. You can also cancel your membership by emailing your request with the same information to customerservice@pplsi.com.

2. Call Pre-paid legal services at 800-654-7757 and let them know you wish to cancel your membership. Provide the representative with all of your verification information such as membership number and name and she will transfer you to the cancellation department. A representative in this department will send you out a cancellation form. The advantage of calling for a cancellation form is that a representative will place your account on hold for 30 days. This means an automatic payment will not be taken out of your checking account during this time. Make sure you fill this form out completely then date and sign it. Your cancellation form can be sent in using any of the previous methods (mail, fax, email).

3. Follow up with Pre-paid Legal Services. If you mailed a cancellation form or your own written correspondence you should follow up with Pre-Paid Legal in approximately five to seven business days to see if your information for cancellation has been received. You can follow up in 24 to 48 hours if your request was faxed in. When notification is sent by email you can call immediately to see if your information was received. You will also receive an email notification within 24 to 48 hours.

4. Ask for written confirmation. If you decide to mail your information to Pre-paid Legal, it will send you written confirmation that your membership has been cancelled only if you request it. Once you receive your written confirmation, keep it with your important papers in case there are any problems in the future.

Tags: cancel, prepaid, legal, membership, your membership, cancel your, cancellation form, your letter, cancel your membership, Prepaid Legal, Pre-paid Legal, wish cancel