Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What Is The Most Efficient Way To Remove Dust From Photo Negatives

Dust on negatives can turn beautiful memories into spotty regrets. Photographers look for the most efficient way to remove dust from photo negatives but not at the cost of quality prints. Unfortunately, there is no simple answer. Dust removal may take a combination of methods. Try these until you find what works best for you.


The best way to resolve the dust issue is to prevent it from ever reaching the negative. Keep photo negatives in sleeves and invest in an air purifier to pull the dust out of the air. Keep your work area clean and avoid handling the negatives anywhere but the edges. Oils on your hands can adhere the dust to the film.

If your bathroom doubles as your darkroom, run a hot shower for a little while before using the room for photo developing. The steam will weigh down the dust in the air and provide a cleaner work environment.


Typically an air compressor will blow dust off the film. Install an air compressor in your work area. Canned air may also work. Another option is to use a soft brush to gently remove the particles. Use a light touch to avoid scratching the negative, and keep the brush clean; otherwise your attempts may lead to scratches from embedded particles on the brush. Consider the purchase of an anti-static brush for this task and clean on a regular basis.

If static is a problem, use an anti-static spray or wipe first. Grounding the enlarger may help with the static problem.

Tough-to-remove particles may be stuck to oils on the film. A gentle rinse in soapy water or 98% isopropyl alcohol may do the trick. Apply a wetting agent to prevent spotting, while the negatives hang dry in a dust-free area.


When all else fails, turn to technology for the answer. Use a scanner with Digital ICE technology. This process uses infrared light to determine flaws, such as dust, fingerprints and scratches. It then eliminates them on the scanned image. The process takes time but is highly effective. Don't forget to leave the scanner closed when not in use to prevent dust build-up.

Your last option to flawless prints is to scan and use photo imaging software to brush out the damaged areas.

Tags: your work area, dust film, photo negatives, static problem, work area, your work