CB radios have long been a friend to truckers and those who travel the highways. Whether asking for directions, advising other travelers of road conditions ahead or just having fun talking to others, CB users want their signal to be as strong as possible. One way to ensure maximum power output is for the radio to be properly matched to the antenna. This requires that the antenna be properly grounded to the vehicle. You can check your system's ground using a multimeter.
1. Locate a good chassis ground point near the location where your mobile antenna is installed. This could be a piece of metal, a screw or a bolt in direct contact with the vehicle's metal chassis.
2. Turn the function dial on the multimeter to read resistance (in ohms) to check for continuity.
3. Touch both of the meter's probes together. You should get a reading of zero ohms. This step verifies that the meter and its probes are in working order.
4. Touch one of the meter's probes (either one) at the location on the metal chassis that you identified in Step 1.
5. Hold the other probe on the outside shield or coax connector on the antenna mount. Hold both probes firmly against these metal parts and read the resistance on the multimeter's dial. It should read zero while the probes are touching and "infinity" when you remove them. If you do not get this reading, it means your antenna is not properly grounded to your vehicle's chassis.
Tags: meter probes, antenna properly, antenna properly grounded, metal chassis, properly grounded