Wednesday, February 12, 2014

California King Mattress Vs King Mattress

Contrary to popular belief, a California King bed is not larger than a traditional King bed. The California King is actually a little smaller in overall surface area. David Bergeson designed the California, or West Coast, King in 1982. Mr. Bergeson felt people with longer legs needed a mattress to fit their needs better than a traditional King could.

Traditional King Bed Measurements

A traditional, or East Coast, King mattress is seventy-six inches wide. The length is eighty inches, the same length as a Queen mattress.

California King Measurements

The California King is narrow and long compared to the traditional King with measurements of seventy-two inches across and eighty-four inches in length.

Square Inch Comparison

A King mattress has a total of 6,080 square inches of sleeping area. The California King has 6,048 square inches.

Price Comparison

The prices for California King and traditional King mattresses are usually the same or close. Because California Kings are intended for the West Coast, the price difference may come in shipping one across the country.


Identical sheets for the two mattresses will cost the same. However, East Coast retailers do not keep many, if any, California King sheets in stock. It may be necessary to special order California King sheets online.

Tags: california, king, mattress, California King, traditional King, California King sheets, Coast King, East Coast, King Mattress, King Measurements, King sheets, square inches, than traditional, than traditional King