This article will examine the benefits and drawbacks to using a filter to protect a lens. The census is that you a filter should be used to protect a camera lens, but the use of multiple filters at once is discouraged due to the increased risk of distortion.
A lens should always be protected from dust and scratches. The lens cap can be used for this purpose; however, if the lens is exposed for long periods of use, a filter may be the only practical way to protect the glass.
UV Filter
A UV filter is the most common type of protective filter. It filters ultra-violet light which may enhance distance shots.
Multi-Coated Filters
Multi-coated filters resist and minimize the appearance of scratches.
In the event that a filter breaks, it may also damage the lens. However, generally an event that would damage the filter would damage the lens anyway.
Filters do provide a very small amount of distortion. But for most photographers, this is unnoticeable.
Tags: damage lens, event that, that filter, would damage