Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Phantom Camera Work

For film-makers, a superior camera can be a vital instrument in the creative process. Phantom cameras offer customers exceptional quality that adds vitality and control to the film-maker's or lay-person's artistic endeavor.


Phantom cameras are products of the company Vision Research. They supply a broad range of different models suited for many different applications. The camera's architecture, functions and features reflect this diversity, so no two cameras may operate the same way.


Phantom makes several cameras targeted for film-making. They are capable of mounting recorders called CineMags which can, once full, then relay their content to a personal computer for viewing and editing. The user is able to manipulate the frame speed up to 1,000 frames per second on the HD Gold Model. This allows the camera operator, in Phantom's words, to "control the duration, speed and time of a story element."


The Phantom 65 in particular is designed for enhanced control over the exposure of the film. The designers outfitted the product with a digital format. As a result, the company claims that their customers can achieve an optimal command over that exposure time -- down to a microsecond. This is what provides for an unlimited set of textural appearances that can be given to the image.

Tags: Phantom cameras