Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Design Sound Systems

A good sound system enhances your home-entertainment experience.

Home sound systems have the ability to magnify a television or stereo by increasing the quality and deliverance of the sound. However, home stereo systems must be built by purchasing a variety of equipment. The equipment selection as well as the positioning and installation all combine to determine the quality of the home-entertainment system. Building a sound system is an individualized process that allows for personalization to meet all of the required audio needs. Research must be conducted and products should be compared before the various components are purchased because quality sound systems are not inexpensive.


1. Research home sound systems and stereos online to become familiar with the various products that are available. Visiting an electronics store can also be beneficial in order to see the products and listen to the audio equipment before making a decision.

2. Select the speakers for the sound system. Speakers can be floor standing, surround sound or wall mounted. The frequency of the speakers should be considered because that determines the range and quality of the sound.

3. Determine what amplifier will work best for the home-sound system. An amplifier should be chosen based on the number of components that will be plugged into the device. The JBL website explains that the amplifier current must be compatible with the needs of the speakers.

4. Choose the desired stereo that will be the main component to the entire sound system. Stereos can vary greatly depending on the brand and size. Most stereos feature multi-disk CD players as well as other specialized features.

5. Select a subwoofer in order to further enhance the sound and depth of a home-sound system. A subwoofer is a loudspeaker that can range from 8 to 21 inches in diameter. The subwoofer captures and reproduces low-pitched audio frequencies.

6. Purchase the selected components of the home-sound system. Install and connect all of the various electronic devices in order to complete the sound system. The main objective is to adequately space the speakers and point them in the correct directions in order to deliver quality and equal sound.

Tags: sound system, home-sound system, quality sound, sound systems, that will