Friday, July 19, 2013

Use Rice To Dry And Fix Your Wet Cell Phone

Believe it or not, rice can save your wet cell phone.

Dropping your cell phone in water is not necessarily a death sentence if you move fast enough. Obviously, speed is the name of the game in getting your wet cell phone dry to prevent the water from damaging its internal components. Work super fast to prevent your cell phone from succumbing to a water-induced demise.


1. Get your cell phone out of the water and rinse it off with fresh water if you dropped it into salt water.

2. Avoid the temptation to turn on your cell phone to see if it is still working and remove the battery immediately. Dry the battery off with a soft, absorbent cloth and set it aside.

3. Remove the SIM card if easily accessible. Dry it with a soft towel by patting it gently. Set it aside. SIM cards are relatively resistant to water, but if you can remove it, do so to avoid losing your SIM card and the information stored on it, such as your contacts.

4. Get the excess water off your wet cell phone. Gently shake and blow the water off; an can of compressed air is perfect for this trick. Use a soft non-fibrous cloth or paper towels to pat your partially disassembled cell phone dry.

5. Fill a bowl full of rice. Place your cell phone, battery and SIM card into the rice and bury them completely. Allow the rice to absorb the moisture out of your cell phone and its parts all night. If your cell phone is really drenched, leave it in the rice for at least 24 hours.

6. Remove the cell phone, battery and SIM card from the rice. Blow off the rice dust with your can of compressed air, or blow on it yourself being careful not to spit.

7. Reassemble your cell phone and turn it on to see if it is still working.

Tags: cell phone, your cell phone, your cell, battery card, cell phone, cell phone battery