Thursday, July 4, 2013

Protect The Lens Of A Canon Xh A1

Taking care of your Canon XH A1 camcorder is an important part of extending the life of your camera. With a little extra care, you can be sure your XH A1 will function for a long time to come. This article will tell you protect one of the essential parts of the XH A1, the lens.


Protect the Lens of a Canon XH A1

1. The best way to protect the XH A1 lens is to keep the lens cover on at all times when not filming.

2. Attach the lens hood to protect the lens and shade it from unwanted light and unwanted fingerprints.

3. Buy and attach a UV filter for the XH A1 to protect from scratches, dust, fingerprints, and UV rays.

4. Avoid exposing the XH A1 lens to harsh weather conditions or storing near dusty or sandy areas. If filming on the beach, watch out for salt water spray which is extremely corrosive - keep the hood on and use a filter.

5. Clean the lens by gently blowing dust from the lens or using a soft, dry cleaning cloth (preferably microfiber) to remove unwanted particles or fingerprints.

Tags: Lens Canon, Protect Lens, protect lens, Protect Lens Canon