Monday, July 8, 2013

The Advantages Of Using The Document Camera

A classroom is the perfect environment for using a document camera

The document camera is a device only recently introduced to the general marketplace. Standing about a foot high, it is a modern replacement for overhead projectors. The camera can view and project almost any image onto a white board by using an attached video projector. This camera is perfect for showing a full classroom dissect a frog or formulate a particularly difficult geometry equation.

A Versatile Teaching Instrument

The document camera has a flat-surfaced document base with a movable arm piece attachment for the camera. The versatility and easy mobility of using this camera over a standard overhead projector are huge. With the camera's SD memory card, a teacher can save all pictures taken for future use.

Microscopic Images Visible to All

The unit's arm piece holding the camera is long, very flexible, and bendable at will. This allows the user to align the camera's eyepiece to almost any microscope. Germs and other microscopic images project onto a screen for easy viewing by everyone in the room.

Vivid Details Come to Life

An instructor can manipulate the document camera to show highly detailed images, such as leaf configurations and other inanimate objects. The user just moves the camera's arm piece closer to the object, and the camera focuses automatically for proper imaging.

Tags: document camera