Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tactical Flashlight Techniques

Tactical Flashlight Techniques

Tactical flashlights are used with a firearm in situations with little or no light in order to aid in finding your target. With household handguns, small handheld tactical lights are most commonly used. You may select from a number of tactical techniques, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Practice these techniques at a shooting range before using them in a real situation in order to discover which one is most comfortable and practical for you.

Harries and SureFire

The "Harries" and "Surefire" are two similar tactical techniques in which you hold your hands together and extend your arms forward with the flashlight and the barrel of the gun parallel to each other, creating a solid two-hand grip for aiming. For the Harries, cross your hand with the light under your hand with the gun to form a wrist-to-wrist base. The SureFire is also called the "cigar" or the "syringe" grip; rather than holding the light in your palm, as in the Harries, grip the light between your fingers and clasp your two hands together, holding the light and the gun parallel without crossing your arms. Choosing between the Harries and the SureFire is mostly an issue of comfort.

Modified FBI

The "Modified FBI" is an alternative technique in which you hold your light separately from your gun as well as up and away from your body. There are two main advantages to this technique. First, you have more maneuverability with the light in your free hand, making it a better technique for searching and for moving around furniture or other obstacles. Second, with the light away from your body, the Modified FBI does not reveal your exact location. The principal disadvantage of the Harries and SureFire techniques, aside from decreased maneuverability, is that the light is constantly fixed at the center of your body, creating an easy target for your opponent.

Neck Index

The "Neck Index" is optimal for speedy location and accurate aim toward your target. To perform this technique, simultaneously punch your gun-hand forward to aim and draw your tactical light-hand back against your neck, parallel with your line of vision. Although this is a good technique to use for rapid location, you should not hold this position for more than a few seconds, for it reveals the location of your neck and head. This technique is best used in conjunction with the Modified FBI, bringing you quick aim in the beginning and then eluding your opponent by obscuring the location of your body´s center.

Tags: your body, from your, with light, away from, away from your, Flashlight Techniques