Friday, September 9, 2011

Hook Up Frequency Equalizers & Boosters To Stereos

This is an equalizer.

Your home entertainment console is not complete without an equalizer. Many devices come with one built in; but if yours does not, installing an equalizer is the best way to insure that your audio sounds perfect with your chosen speaker selection.

Record companies began using equalizing techniques in the 50's, and soon these controls found their way into home audio systems.

When working in a recording studio, having an equalizer will help you insure that your voice always sounds its best.

All sounds produce vibrations at a certain frequency level. Equalizers help you choose which you want to hear the most.


1. Look behind your equalizing unit. You should see two sets of two jacks. One labeled "Output" and one labeled "Input". The jacks on your equalizer should be RCA-style.

2. Look behind your stereo unit. You will see two jacks that are designed to output audio. These will be going into your equalizer.

3. Look at your two RCA cables. One end of your cable goes into the output jack on your stereo. You will plug the other end of these into the input jack on your equalizer.

4. Plug your remaining RCA cable in. One end will go into the equalizer output, the other into your speakers.

5. Play audio through your device. You will be able to change the frequency levels by moving the sliders.

Tags: your equalizer, behind your, insure that, insure that your, into your