Monday, September 5, 2011

Access The Contact List On Windows Mobile

There are several versions of Windows Mobile. Although there are minor differences between versions, accessing the Windows Mobile contacts list on your smart phone is not a difficult procedure. Once you arrive at the contacts list, you can view an entry's details, send a message or make a call to the contact.


Accessing the Contact List in Windows Mobile 6.5

1. Press the soft key for "Start" or tap the Windows logo button from your home screen, if you are using a Windows Mobile touchscreen phone.

2. Scroll down through the start menu. When you find the head shot of a person, tap on it or select it with your navigation control. The head shot icon is your contacts list.

3. View your contacts list. Scroll up or down to find a contact.

Accessing the Contact List in Windows Mobile 5.0 and 6.0

4. Tap "Start" or press the soft key for "Start."

5. Tap "Contacts" or scroll down and select "Contacts" if you are using a non-touchscreen phone.

6. View the contacts list on the screen. If you want to view a contact's details, click on the person's name.

Tags: Windows Mobile, contacts list, Contact List, Contact List Windows, List Windows, List Windows Mobile, Accessing Contact