Monday, April 19, 2010

Clean Pentacon Lens

Be careful not to over-clean lenses. Too much cleaning fluid can take the protective finish off the glass.

Nothing can aggravate photographers like finding dust or fingerprints on a camera lens---after they take a picture. Keeping a lens, such as the European-made Pentacon camera lenses, clean only takes a few minutes. That time will help ensure that spots or other strange marks don't show up on the prints of your photos. It also will help keep your lenses in good working condition for the long haul. A well-maintained camera lens can be used for decades.


1. Remove any dust from the lens and the glass with a blower brush. Squeeze the body of the brush and blow air while brushing the bristles across the lens.

2. Use the microfiber cloth to remove fingerprints or other smudges from the glass. Rub lightly in a circular motion. Exhale onto the glass to create some moisture, if needed.

3. Use the cleaning fluid and a soft cloth to clean away stubborn dirt on the glass. Squirt a small amount of fluid onto the cloth. Wipe the lens in a circular motion. Let the glass air dry.

Tags: circular motion, cleaning fluid, will help