Monday, October 11, 2010

Use A Small Tape Recorder

A small tape recorder is a great way to keep track of your thoughts throughout the day. Many creative people use tape recorders to keep track of new ideas or concepts, while doctors have been known to use them for notes and students often use them as a way to store lectures. No matter why you have decided to implement a tape recorder into your life, using one is a fairly straightforward process.


1. Put fresh batteries in the tape recorder to ensure it is ready to operate. Depending on the model you have chosen, you will probably need to place AA or AAA batteries into a panel on the back of the recorder.

2. Insert a blank tape into the tape recorder. Most new recorders will come with at least one blank tape, and you can usually pick up spares at the same place you bought the device. Be sure to check the product manual to find the correct tape size.

3. Place the recorder in an easy to remember location to make it easier to bring along to important events. One of the hardest things about using a tape recorder to keep track of your thoughts and ideas is remembering to put it in your pocket.

4. Rewind the tape to its beginning. This will give you the full length of the tape for recording purposes.

5. Press the "Record" button. This button is usually marked with a red circle and may even be completely red.

6. Speak into the microphone on the recorder at a normal tone. When you're finished with what you needed to record, hit the Stop button.

7. Use the Rewind and Play buttons to go over your notes at the end of the day.

Tags: keep track, tape recorder, blank tape, keep track your, tape recorder