Friday, October 29, 2010

The Best Way To Clean Stuffed Animals

Stuffed animals pick up dust and dirt easily. If you are an allergy and/or asthma sufferer, this can have negative effects on your health. Cleaning stuffed animals should be done frequently and carefully in order to preserve their longevity.

Cleaning Standard Stuffed Animals

Clean your stuffed animals in the washer by putting them inside a pillowcase. Make sure that the pillowcase is zipped or tied up. It is best to wash the stuffed animals with a gentle detergent on the gentle cycle. The amount of detergent to use depends on the quantity of stuffed animals you are washing. Typically, you will use about a capful of detergent. If the stuffed animals are heavily soiled, then you should increase the amount of detergent to a capful and a half. Wash light- and dark-colored animals separately in case colors bleed.

To dry the stuffed animals, place them near a dehumidifier to ensure no damage will occur while drying. It takes about three days for the stuffed animals to dry inside and outside. The heat from using a dryer could cause the fur or hair to get damaged.

For extra caution with the washer-cleaning process (especially regarding the animal's shape and formation of mildew inside), make a slit in a side seam and remove the stuffing. Once the outer skin is washed and dried, refill the skin with stuffing and sew the animal back up.

Cleaning Stuffed Animals That Can't Be Immersed

Some stuffed animals cannot be immersed in water. Read the manufacturer's care instructions on the label to check. To remove dust, simply use the brush attachment on a vacuum cleaner. Then use a clean, wet cloth and gentle detergent to gently spot clean. Wipe with a soap-free cloth to rinse.

Cleaning Large Stuffed Animals

Large stuffed animals, such as life-size animals, will not fit in the washer. In this case, use baking soda to remove the surface dirt. Apply some baking soda with a rough towel. Let the baking soda sit for about a half an hour. Use a towel to rub the stuffed animal vigorously until clean.

Tags: stuffed animals, baking soda, amount detergent, gentle detergent, stuffed animals, stuffed animals