Friday, October 22, 2010

Use The Fill Flash On A Camera For Catchlights

Using the fill flash function on your compact film or digital camera to create catch-lights in eyes is simple. The flicker, or shine of light in the eyes, known as a catchlight, makes your subjects appear lively. Use these tips to make your subject's eyes twinkle and bring your pictures to life! This technique will enhance both indoor and outdoor photographs.



1. Look at the features on your compact camera to see if your camera offers the option to use fill flash. Notice a lightning bolt icon, which indicates a flash menu on your camera. Several options may be available in this flash settings menu, including fill flash to create catchlights. Use your camera's user manual to locate this button or menu feature on your camera.

2. Set your camera so the flash menu is available. Choose Program Mode, Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority or even Manual Exposure Mode. Some digital cameras will not allow you to use the variety of flash options until you have set the camera to a mode that allows use of this menu. The Auto setting will usually not allow the camera user to manually choose flash options.

3. Read the flash menu options. Note the variety of options. You will see a variety of icons including a plain lighting bolt. This icon is the symbol that tells the camera to flash every time a picture is taken. Use this function to make sure the flash illuminates the subject's eyes during each picture.

4. Use the fill flash setting indoors and outdoors. Set your camera to the lighting bolt for all pictures. The flash will go off each time, creating a catch-light in your subject's eyes, even when they are outside in the shade. Notice the eyes twinkle with the extra light.

5. Use this technique on all photos of people. Enjoy the twinkling eyes and brighter pictures by adding flash to all of your pictures. This technique is called "fill flash" and adds a small amount of light called "catch-lights" to eyes.

Tags: your camera, fill flash, flash menu, subject eyes, camera flash