Friday, March 15, 2013

Watch Avi On The Evo 4g

The HTC EVO 4G Android phone comes with Internet-connectivity and video play-back features that enhance the mobile computing experience. The HDMI output allows you to play your mobile video on a big screen, but the EVO 4G only plays MP4 and 3GP video natively. To play AVI files on the EVO, you need a third-party video player with the necessary codec. The EVO's 4.3-inch screen shows smooth video in 480-by-320 resolution or lower, and the video output exports HD video with 720p resolution.


Copy Files to SD Memory

1. Connect your EVO 4G to a USB port on your computer. Slide the notification bar down, and tap "USB Connect."

2. Tap "USB Drive" to mount the drive on your computer. Drag AVI files to the "Video" folder on the EVO's SD memory card.

3. Slide down the notification bar. Tap "Disconnect USB Drive." Unplug your EVO from your computer.


4. Download the RockPlayer app from the Android Market on your EVO 4G. Tap the download link to install RockPlayer.

5. Tap "Programs" and launch RockPlayer. Tap "All Videos" to see a list of videos available on your EVO.

6. Tap the AVI file you'd like to watch to start playing the file. Tap the screen at any time during playback to see the onscreen video controls.


7. Tap "Programs" and run the Android Market app on your EVO. Search for "ArcMedia Player" and tap the download link to install the program on your smartphone.

8. Run the ArcMedia Player. Tap the AVI video on your SD card to start playing the file.

9. Slide the playback slider left or right to scan through the video. Tap the small square icon in the lower right corner of the screen to return to the video menu.


10. Download QQPlayer from the Android Market on your EVO. Launch the player from the "Programs" menu on your home screen.

11. Slide the menu screen up or down to scroll through the list of videos on your EVO. Tap a video on the list to open the video player.

12. Tap the left or right arrow to skip forward or back through a video. Tap "Exit Full Screen" to return to the main menu.

Tags: Android Market, Android Market your, Market your, your computer, ArcMedia Player, download link, download link install