Thursday, March 7, 2013

Macro Lens Information

Macro Lens Information

Close-up photography is one of the most illuminating yet challenging forms of image capture that exists in the photo world. Richly detailed photos of subjects often too small for appreciation by the naked eye can be achieved with the use of a macro lens. Magnification of certain subjects can show an observer detail they'd never imagined was there, but, at the same time, it also requires a good understanding of the photographic process to accomplish high-quality images.

What Is a Macro Lens?

A macro is a special type of camera lens designed for greater magnification of a subject than a normal lens can accomplish. A normal lens can only create magnification onto film of up to 1/7th the size of the original object. Macro lenses, however, can do life-size images up to nearly 20 times the original size of the chosen image subject.


Macro lenses make it possible to capture fine detail in subjects normally too small to see with the naked eye. Many nature photographers utilize these lenses to gain close-up images of flowers, insects, trees and small animals. These lenses also offer important medical benefits, allowing for detailed close-up images for surgeries, dentistry and in other medical industries.


Two problems associated with the use of close-up photography are found in regards to image sharpness and the depth of field. Most lenses work best when focusing at normal distances---between a few feet and infinity, but, for life-size images, a macro lens can be utilized to enhance sharpness in detail. Depth of field at higher magnifications can also be quite limited, but, with a macro lens at the proper settings and with the subject framed just the right way, this can be corrected in most cases.

Lighting Challenges

When working with a macro lens, lighting can be a serious limitation. Often times the nearness of the lens to the subject being photographed can cause a shadow to be cast across it and require additional finely tuned lights or reflectors to fix. The length of the lens is sometimes also a problem, forcing the photographer to compensate with increased exposure time to allow extra light to reach the film.


A macro lens is a valuable addition to the equipment of any photographer who wants to create close-up photos of a subject. With richly added detail and the ability to record items not regularly seen, the value of a macro lens becomes clear for both amateurs and professionals alike.

Tags: macro lens, with macro, with macro lens, close-up images, Lens Information, life-size images