Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wire A Yaesu Ft2400 Microphone

The Yaesu FT-2400 is a portable radio transceiver that allows you to communicate with other individuals through an analog radio signal. The device comes with an available microphone jack, which allows you to hook up your own hand-held microphone. This microphone, when enabled, receives audio spoken into it, then sends out the signal to anyone listening on the designated frequency. Wiring your microphone to the device only takes a few seconds, allowing you to spend more time sending out your radio signal.


1. Turn off the Yaesu FT-2400. On occasion you may get an electric shock when hooking up the microphone while the device is on. Although this isn't likely, it is best to completely avoid that possibility.

2. Insert the cable from the microphone into the "Line-In" jack.

3. Turn on the Yaesu FT-2400, then turn the volume knob to increase the audio level on the microphone and speaker. When you press down on the speak button, located on the side of the microphone, the connected equipment receives all sound spoken into the microphone and transmits it over the set frequency on the radio.

Tags: Yaesu FT-2400, radio signal, spoken into, Turn Yaesu, Turn Yaesu FT-2400