Thursday, September 19, 2013

Convert High Super 8 To Dvd

Convert High Super 8 to DVD

As technology advances and new products are introduced, older products and supported formats are left behind. In the case of home video recording, a new type of camcorder means you can no longer access the video you have on your Super High 8. Additionally, if you have scraped your VCR for a DVD player, any Super High 8 you may have recorded to video cassette is now unplayable. However, with the proper equipment, transferring old video to new formats is a breeze.


1. Connect your Super High 8 player or camera's output to your DVD recorder's input with one of the RCA A/V cables. These cables are the ones with the red, white and yellow tips. Make sure to connect red to red, white to white and yellow to yellow. In the event you only have one audio output (red or white), connect the red input.

2. Connect your DVD recorder's output to the television's input with the other RCA A/V cable, again making sure to use the proper color to color connections.

3. Turn on all three devices. Refer to your television's specific owner's manual in order to tune the TV to the proper input so you can monitor the output from the DVD recorder.

4. Place a blank DVD-R or DVD-RW into the DVD recorder and push the "Record" and "Pause" button in quick succession.

5. Play the video on your Super High 8 device that you wish to record. The video should appear on the television screen.

6. Cue the video to the point you want to begin recording. Once you have it set, un-pause the DVD recorder and the conversion process will begin. Monitor the video until you reach the point where you wish to stop and then hit the "Stop" button on the DVD recorder.

7. When the recording is complete, refer to the DVD recorder owner's manual for the DVD finalization procedure. Perform that procedure before ejecting and labeling the DVD.

Tags: Super High, your Super, your Super High, Connect your, Convert High