Thursday, September 5, 2013

Replace A Skylight Lens

Skylight lenses sometime fog or get damaged and need to be replaced.

Skylights don't last forever. Usually it is the glass or plastic lens that goes first, by either becoming damaged or fogged up to the point where you cannot see out of it. There is no need to replace the entire skylight if all that is wrong with it is the lens. You can remove the lens and put in a replacement with much less trouble.


1. Scrape off any caulking, roofing tar or roofing cement that is covering the edge of skylight. Use a putty knife to help remove the thick coating.

2. Unscrew the outer rim from of the skylight with a drill and set the screws aside for later use.

3. Pull the rim off and slide out the old lens. Slip the new lens in its place.

4. Put the outer rim back in place over the lens and insert the screws into the holes along the edge. If the screws look worn or damaged, replace them . Use a galvanize screw if replacing them so they will hold up to rust.

5. Squirt a dot of silicone caulk over the screw heads to seal them from rain water leaks. Squeeze a bead of caulk along the edge between the lens cover and the flashing as well and smear it flat with your finger. Let the caulk dry for an hour or so.

6. Smear roofing cement over the edge of the skylight frame that connects with the roof and flashing. Let this dry for a couple of hours.

Tags: along edge, edge skylight, roofing cement