Thursday, August 9, 2012

Modify Red Laser Pointers

Red laser pointers are available to the public due to their inherently weak beams. You can modify (or "mod") a red laser pointer by resetting the intensity that has been lowered to normal at the factory. The modified laser pen will project a beam of laser light farther, although it will still be within the limits set by the government for safe use. A few common household tools are all that is needed.


1. Remove the battery cap from the back of the red laser pointer. Remove the batteries. Place the batteries and battery cap aside for later.

2. Place a sheet of newspaper on a table to protect the surface. Place the red laser pointer on the newspaper with the push button on the side facing up. Hold the red laser pointer down at the back end with one hand. Hold the portable drill in the other hand.

3. Drill a hole in the side of the red laser pointer just in front of the push button to reveal a screw inside.

4. Insert the tip of a flat-edged jeweler's screwdriver into the hole. Push the tip into the slot in the screw. Rotate the screw a quarter turn clockwise before removing the screwdriver.

5. Place a strip of duct tape over the hole. Smooth the duct tape down with your fingers.

6. Place the batteries back into the red laser pointer. Place the battery cap back onto the back end of the red laser pointer.

Tags: laser pointer, back laser, back laser pointer, duct tape, Place batteries, push button