Thursday, October 6, 2011

Family Posing Ideas For Portraits

Family photos can show character and personality.

If your family photos look tired and boring, don't blame the subjects---you may just need to shake up your shooting style. People shot starting directly at the camera and putting on smiles is neither creative nor flattering, so try some new poses for your family portraits. Remember, you don't just want to capture what these people look like---you want to capture what makes them special.

Impromptu Pictures

Family portraits can sometimes look unnatural because, well, they are. Your family never gathers in one tight group to stare blankly ahead, does it? Photographing family members in a natural setting and pose can make for effective photography. Still, unless you always have your camera at the ready, portraits are typically planned. Set some time aside to let your subjects act naturally---let a father play with his baby, or a husband kiss his wife. Capturing these genuine moments will result in natural looking poses that don't look quite so posed.

Angled Poses

Don't flatten out your subject by having her face the camera directly---utilize poses that place the body at an angle. Not only is this more flattering, but it creates a more dynamic image with depth.

Instruct your subjects to tilt their heads slightly together, as well. This makes them look less stiff and uncomfortable in the photo, and it makes them appear more comfortable with one another---like family members. Poses also look more dynamic when shot at unusual angles---try shooting your subjects from slightly above or below to give the image a sense of scale.

Pose in a Compelling Setting

The portrait's pose and setting are closely linked---if you shoot a portrait against a bland backdrop, your subjects may not be particularly inspired to show any personality. Shoot a family portrait in a location with significance or, even better, while the family is engaged in a group activity. If your family likes sailing, have them pose on the dock or the deck of a ship. If they love to go camping together, shoot a portrait while everyone is sitting around the campfire. Posing in a significant place will inspire creativity not only in you, but in your subjects.

Tags: your subjects, makes them, your family, capture what, family members, more dynamic, poses that