Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What Does Sepia Mean

There are several definitions for the word sepia. The most notable is related to a color or shade used in art and photography. But there are some other uses of the word sepia, as of 2009, including as an acronym.


Sepia is a brown-violet pigment found in the ink of squid and cuttlefish. It is processed with hydrochloric acid and used in artist's drawing inks and watercolors.


Sepia tone is an effect photographers can apply to their photos using a computer program such as Adobe Photoshop. The sepia tone gives a photograph a brown cast and vintage feel.


SEPIA is an acronym for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy International Association. This is a member-based group for staff of academic libraries and their partners. SEPIA was formed "to support the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP)," an Internet-based humanities publication of Stanford University.


SEPIA Restaurant is a Chicago restaurant serving contemporary American cuisine. It is located at 123 North Jefferson Street in Chicago, Illinois, as of 2009.


Sepia Records is a recording company based in London, England, that began in 2002 "to preserve the great recordings of our musical heritage" (http://www.sepiarecords.com/). The company provides to customers remastered CD recordings of artists such as Julie Andrews and Bing Crosby.

Tags: Encyclopedia Philosophy, Stanford Encyclopedia, Stanford Encyclopedia Philosophy, word sepia