Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Make A Home Movie With Your Camcorder

Make a Home Movie With Your Camcorder

The trick of making a good home movie is in the planning and editing. The shooting part is easy. The hard stuff comes before and after. Here is make a home movie with your camcorder.


Plan Ahead

1. Break down the action that you are going to film scene by scene ahead of time. If you are going to be filming a spontaneous event, such as your son's birthday party, think about what you can expect to happen and write this down.

2. Scout your location: the living room where the clown will perform, the dining room where the cake will be cut or the backyard with the petting zoo. Going through the sites of your home movie may suggest camera angles and scenes to you. Big name producers and directors do this, and so can you.

3. Frame your shots as you walk through each setting. Think about where people will be and where you can catch the action. If possible, do rough sketches of what the shots will look like. When you get paid to do this sort of thing, it is called storyboarding.

4. Note the lighting conditions of your settings and any adjustments you'll need to make. If you need to set up lights, reflectors or other lighting equipment, do this before starting to shoot.

5. Make a list of the cast. Who is coming to your son's birthday party? Decide if you want to film short face-to-face shots with any of the guests.

Shoot and Edit the Movie

6. Review your scenes. Make a list of what you need, where you need to be and who will be on camera for each scene. Keep this information handy as you shoot your home movie.

7. Gather your equipment, making sure that you have extra batteries and power cords. Double-check your camcorder.

8. Shoot the movie. Use a tripod for still shots.

9. Let the movie sit, unseen by you, for at least a day. You need to come into the editing process with a fresh pair of eyes.

10. Cut the crap. The average attention span is measured in minutes. If you have the capability to edit, take advantage of it. Even the most basic camcorders have the ability to just plain cut scenes. Use this ability with bloodthirsty abandon.

Tags: birthday party, home movie, home movie, Make Home, Make Home Movie, Make list, Movie With Your