Friday, October 16, 2009

Waterproof My Slr Camera

There are a few DIY ways to waterproof your SLR camera.

To get the perfect shot of an underwater sea creature or capture a scene in a rainstorm, an underwater camera should be used. Not all cameras are made to be waterproof, though there are various ways to waterproof an SLR, disposable or any other type of camera. Some options will cost you a lot of money, but there are other ways to waterproof your SLR using a few simple household items in a do-it-yourself manner.


1. Buy a waterproof case. Waterproof camera cases are available in various designs and qualities. Cases made specifically for your camera will be most effective, although a generic design that fits most cameras, such as Aquapac Waterproof Camera Case, is also very effective.

2. Make a case out of plastic wrap. Wrap the camera in plastic wrap. Two or more layers will be most effective. Cut a hole in the plastic wrap for the lens. Cover the lens with a small piece of glass to protect it.

3. Make a case using an unlubricated, very clear, latex condom. Place a cut-off end of an empty paper towel or toilet paper roll around the lens to create a protective barrier. Slip a condom around the camera and tie a knot at the end. Seal the knot using a glob of contact cement, such as Wetsuit glue. Repeat the process with a second condom. To minimize the formation of condensation, place a desiccant bag on top of the camera before covering it with the condom.

Tags: plastic wrap, ways waterproof, Make case, most effective, Waterproof Camera