Thursday, May 26, 2011

Build An Artist Light Box Trace Box

Use a light box to trace work you want to use in your art.

Many artists and graphic designers use light boxes to trace items they wish to use in their work. Photographers use light boxes to view slides or negatives. You can purchase a light box at most craft or photography stores, or with a little bit of effort, you can easily build a light box at home, saving yourself money that can be used toward other art supplies.


1. Choose a display or shadow box that is 6 to 8 inches deep. The box you choose should also be large enough to allow the work you are going to trace to lay flat on it.

2. Take the glass out of the shadow or display box and replace with the plastic or acrylic. The glass that comes in these boxes is too thin and may break when any weight or pressure is applied to it. You also want the light to distribute across the entire surface, and the translucent material will aid in that goal.

3. Install the light fixture inside the opening of the box, in the middle on the back wall. Drill a hole at the bottom of the box for the plug to go through using a drill and ¼-inch drill bit. Expand the hole if necessary by using a utility knife. Secure the light fixture with either contact cement, Velcro or small finishing screws.

4. Attach the acrylic front to the box, secure in place using small screws or Velcro. You want to be able to access the inside of the box should you need to change the light bulb, therefore gluing the acrylic is not recommended.

Tags: light boxes, light fixture