Sunday, November 15, 2009

Instructions For Disposable Cameras At Weddings

Disposable cameras let wedding guests take candid photos at your wedding.

Disposable cameras have become a popular trend at weddings. The bride and groom supply them, and the guests take candid shots at the wedding reception. The disposable cameras are returned to the bride and groom who develop them, keep and enjoy the pictures. Many times, pictures are taken that the professional photographer might miss, such as table pictures, group pictures and pictures of people dancing. If you want some great candid photos of your wedding, consider providing disposable cameras for your guests to use.


1. Determine the number of disposable cameras you want to have at your wedding. Place at least one or two disposable cameras at each table. Each guest does not need his own camera, as guests will share cameras.

2. Attach a short note of instruction to the cameras. Tell guests that the cameras are for their use during the reception, and what they should do with the cameras when they are finished. For example: "These cameras are for our guests to use, so take as many photos as you'd like. We look forward to seeing our wedding from your angle when we return from our honeymoon! Please put the finished cameras in the marked box by the door."

3. Place the cameras on the tables before the reception begins. Ask the reception hall if you can drop them off ahead of time and if they will place them on the tables. Designate someone to place the cameras on the tables when the reception begins if the reception hall people won't do it.

4. Provide a receptacle for used cameras. Wrap a box large enough to hold the cameras with wedding wrapping paper or paper to match your theme. Glue a picture of disposable cameras or a sign that says "Camera Drop Off" on the side of the box to let guests know that this is the place to drop off the cameras.

5. Direct the DJ or bandleader to make an announcement to let guests know that the cameras are for their use and where they should be returned to. He should remind the guests during the reception to use the cameras, and make a final announcement near the end stating where the cameras should be returned.

6. Ask a friend or relative to be in charge of collecting the disposable cameras at the end of the reception. Have this person drop the cameras off to be developed so the photos will be ready when you return from your honeymoon.

Tags: disposable cameras, guests take, your wedding, begins reception, begins reception hall, bride groom, cameras tables