Friday, November 13, 2009

Figure Out The Magnification Of Fields

Binoculars make distant objects more visible.

Convex lenses increase your field of view. These lenses converge rays of light at a specific point, the lens's focal length, producing a real image that is larger that the original object. The greater the lens's focal length, the greater its power in magnifying the field of view. The greater the lens's distance from the object, however, the less the lens's magnification power.


1. Find the inverse of the lens's focal length, which is specified in the manufacturer's documentation. For example, if the focal length is 7 inches, the inverse would be 1/7, or 0.14286.

2. Find the inverse of the distance between the object and the lens. For example, if this distance is 4 inches, the inverse would be 1/4, or 0.25.

3. Find the difference between these two numbers by subtracting 0.25 from 0.14286, which is -0.10714.

4. Find the inverse of this difference: 1/-0.10714 = -9.3336.

5. Divide the result, -9.3335, by the lens's distance from the object, 4, which is -2.33.

6. Multiply -2.33 by -1. The answer, 2.33, is the magnification level of the lens.

Tags: focal length, Find inverse, lens focal, lens focal length, distance from, distance from object