Monday, November 2, 2009

Hook Up A Dual 2 Ohm Subwoofer

Dual-voice coil (DVC) subwoofers are commonly used in car audio systems. They may be wired in one of two ways. The first way doubles the resistance, or ohm rating, of the subwoofer, and the second halves the resistance. A dual 2-ohm subwoofer can be hooked in to yield a resistance of either 4 ohms or just 1 ohm.


Wiring Your Subwoofer to 4 ohms

1. Find the speaker wire terminals of your 2-ohm dual-voice coil subwoofer. They are usually located on opposite sides of the woofer, near the bottom of the speaker's basket. The terminals will be marked as "+" for positive and "-" for negative.

2. Connect a piece of speaker wire between the "+" terminal of your amplifier and the first "+" terminal of the subwoofer. Repeat this step for the "-" terminals.

3. Connect a piece of speaker wire between the "+" terminal of the second set of speaker terminals and the "-" terminal of the first set. Connect a piece of speaker wire between the "-" terminal of the first set of terminals and the amplifier.

Wiring the Subwoofer to 1 ohm

4. Find the speaker wire terminals of your 2-ohm dual voice coil subwoofer. They are usually located on opposite sides of the woofer, near the bottom of the speaker's basket. The terminals will be marked as "+" (positive) or "-" (negative).

5. Connect a piece of speaker wire between the "+" terminal of the amplifier and the "+" terminal of the first set of speaker terminals. Connect a piece of speaker wire between the "+" terminal of the first set of speaker terminals and the "+" terminal of the second set of speaker terminals.

6. Connect a piece of speaker wire between the "-" terminal of the amplifier and the "-" terminal of the first set of speaker terminals. Connect a piece of speaker wire between the "-" terminal of the first set of speaker terminals and the "-" terminal of the second set of speaker terminals.

Tags: speaker wire, between terminal, Connect piece, Connect piece speaker, piece speaker, piece speaker wire, speaker terminals