Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cancel An At&T Data Plan

The AT&T data plan allows users to surf the internet as well as receive voice video mails and other similar features that require the transfer of significant amounts of data. If, however, you choose to cancel your AT&T data plan, you then need to consider your options. This is especially so for AT&T subscribers who opted for the iPhone or other 3g-enabled phones.


1. Contact customer care at (800) 331-0500 and ask to cancel your AT&T data plan.

2. Negotiate with the customer service representative about the finer details of your cancellation. Appeal your case using a financially-challenged angle in order to make canceling your data plan an easier and less problematic process.

3. Cite your use of another non-3g enabled phone to further add strength to your appeal. At this point, AT&T will work to cancel your data plan. iPhone users, on the other hand, have a serious problem with this. You will not be able to disable the data plan for an iPhone without either returning the phone and paying a hefty fee or hacking into the iPhone's 3g and data connection to mask using it.

Tags: data plan, your data, your data plan, cancel your, cancel your data, data plan iPhone, plan iPhone