Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fold A Kid'S Tent To Get Back In A Bag

Help children put their tent away properly.

A children's tent is a smaller version of a full-size tent. Like any tent, it needs to be stored properly to ensure its long life. While there is no one correct way to fold or roll a tent for storage, there are some reliable methods that produce solid results. As with any tent, make sure the child's tent is dry and clean before placing it into a tight storage bag. Storing wet tents leads to mildew and odor.


1. Spread the tent on the ground. Break down the poles and place them on the end of one side of the tent fabric.

2. Grip the poles and the edge of the tent fabric in both hands and begin to roll the tent up into a tight pinwheel. Push excess fabric back under the poles as you roll up the tent.

3. Tuck the end of the tent fabric as tight as possible into the pinwheel. Have an assistant hold the storage bag open. Push the end of the pinwheel down into the stuff sack.

4. Push the tent down as far as possible in the stuff sack and then cinch the top closed.

Tags: roll tent, tent fabric, into tight, stuff sack