Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pentax K10d Vs K200d Af Speed

The K200D camera, along with the K20D, was introduced in 2008 to replace the K10D and the K100D. On closeout, the one-time flagship K10D has been discounted to the same price as the current midrange K200D. They have similar capabilities but are different types of cameras.

The Similarities

Both cameras offer 10-megapixel resolution, a dust-removal system, weather sealing, 11-point auto focus, an optional battery grip and in-camera shake reduction.

Advantages of K10D

The K10D is a larger camera and provides the photographer more easy-to-access buttons. The K10D also has a slightly larger buffer for continuous shooting mode.

Advantages of K20D

The K200D's smaller form factor will be appreciated by tourists and backpackers who pack light. Also, the K200D accepts standard AA batteries. Considering the K10D's rechargeable battery gets lower-than-average battery life than batteries for other camera brands, this is a big advantage. The K200D also has a slightly larger LCD screen.

Advantages of Both

Pentax in general offers you great bang for the buck when it comes to lenses. Also, older Pentax lenses are compatible with these DSLRs and can be found inexpensively. Couple these high-quality lenses with in-camera shake reduction and you have a cheap means of experimenting with different focal lengths.

Disadvantages of Both

The auto focus on Pentax cameras has trouble in low light, but the AF assist in the flash usually solves the problem.


The K10D seems best for professional photographers who shoot sports and weddings, while the K200D offers many advantages to the casual photographer who travels a lot.

Tags: also slightly, also slightly larger, auto focus, in-camera shake, in-camera shake reduction