Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Video Effects For Web Cams

Gone are the days where you dully communicate with friends and family over a web cam. While effects are unique to web cam software, there are some fun effects that are commonly found across many platforms.

Types of Superficial Effects

Superficial effects are effects that give the appearance of an added camera lens. Black and white is one of the more popular superficial effects. "Sepia" gives the video subject a brownish lens tone, while "glow" illuminates the subject in a blurry fog. "Comic book" gives the colorful, dotted appearance of a page from a comic strip, and "color pencil" makes the video subject look like they've been sketched. "Thermal camera" shows the "hot" spots on the subject and the scene behind him; "x-ray" gives the appearance of being behind the hospital operation room machine of the same name. "Pop art" splits the video subject into four colorful quadrangles, reminiscent of artist Andy Warhol's signature style.

Types of Warped Effects

Warped effects distort and bend the appearance of the video subject. "Bulge" makes the video subject's face protrude forward. "Twirl" twists the subject in circles. "Light tunnel" makes the subject appear as if they are at the end of a tunnel, and "fish eye" makes the subject's eyes seem abnormally large. Some other popular warped effects are "dent," "squeeze," "stretch" and "mirror."

Types of Background Effects

Background effects allow you to change the scene of what's behind you, similar to how a green screen is used in cinema. Popular backgrounds include clouds, color dots, earthrise, Eiffel Tower, underwater and fish, a rollercoaster scene, sunset, or Yosemite. Some web cams offer the option of adding user backdrops, perhaps a personal photo or an image found on the web.

Tags: video subject, effects that, makes subject, makes video, makes video subject