Thursday, October 31, 2013

Use Geometric Composition In Photography

Most people regard geometric composition as the use of geometric shapes in art. Although a myriad of artists use this skill in drawing and painting, applying geometric composition to photography is less common. After obtaining a good camera, you can begin concentrating on learning apply this skill in photography.


1. Find a good camera that you're comfortable with to create your images. Currently, digital cameras are the most popular.

2. Explore the different settings on your camera. Find out if your cameras offers a variety of color modes. Test out the neutral setting which creates a natural look, the saturated mode causes colors to appear radiant and pronounced. The sepia tone creates a brownish tint and lends to an old-fashion appearance.

3. Decide on a scene to photograph. Take a walk outdoors and find a natural scene. Choose a still life setting. Remember that the subject you select to photograph could affect the color mode on your camera.

4. Photograph three objects in each scene as a general rule. Although this strategy is by no means required, it often makes for an effective image. The outside objects act as a frame and the inner object becomes the focal point.

5. Use diagonal lines to draw even attention to the focal point. These diagonal lines can be either real or imaginary.

6. Frame the image with something in the foreground. Start by photographing a house, use a tree or a bush in the foreground as a frame for your focal point.

Tags: focal point, diagonal lines, geometric composition, good camera, this skill, your camera