Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Use Sunpak Ds20

The Sunpak DS-20 flash is a small, yet versatile portable flash that can be used on a number of cameras. The flash uses two "AA" batteries and will work with your camera's Through The Lens (TTL) metering system. The flash is fully automatic and does not give the user the opportunity to manually control the power setting. Two significant features are a tilt-able flash head allowing the photographer to create a softer light, and the flash's ability to be used remotely through a wireless trigger.


1. Slide the Sunpak DS-20 on to your camera's hot shoe and secure the flash in place using the locking device.

2. Turn the flash and camera on, allow the flash to fully charge, then look through the viewfinder and you should see a small diagonal lightning bolt that indicates the flash is ready to use.

3. Tilt the flash head by carefully prying the bottom of the white flash unit so it tilts towards the ceiling. This is called "bouncing" and creates a softer light on your subject, and all but eliminating the shadows behind it.

4. Wrap an elastic band around the top of the flash, and insert a white business card or other white card vertically into the elastic band so the card sticks up above the flash. This is a called a bounce card and helps in directing a small amount of light towards your subject.

Tags: elastic band, flash fully, flash head, softer light, Sunpak DS-20, This called