Friday, July 1, 2011

Uses For Infrared Light

Infrared light is a scientific breakthrough that has led to advancements in many fields and applications. Read on for some common uses of infrared technology.

Night Vision

Infrared can be used to amplify light in a low-light situation to enable video recording and image capturing.


Thermography uses infrared technology to determine the relative temperature of objects by detecting the amount of radiation they are producing.

Tracking Technology

Infrared can be used in tracking technology; objects, commonly missiles, can be sent to follow a target based on their infrared radiation.


Weather satellites use infrared technology to determine water temperature and cloud formations.

Art History

Infrared lights can be used to look under layers of painting to determine if there are older layers underneath.


Infrared can also be used to create and conduct heat. Infrared saunas have become popular in the physical therapy field.

Tags: infrared technology, infrared technology determine, Infrared used, technology determine, uses infrared, uses infrared technology