Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Install An Outdoor Motionsensor Light

Adding outdoor lighting to your property improves the look of your home after dark, and more importantly, it increases the safety and security of your property. Using motion-sensor lights saves energy, and it also means that when the lights turn on, you'll know that someone is on your property. If your home was built in the last twenty years, you probably have lighting fixtures installed on the outside of your house already.


1. Shut the power. Make sure to let everyone in the house know not to turn it back on until they know it's safe to do so.

2. Locate a fixture where you want to add a light, and place your ladder beneath it. Grab a screwdriver and voltage tester then climb up.

3. Remove the bulbs and screws from the fixture.

4. Test the circuit of the fixture with the voltage tester by inserting the end of the tester into the socket of the bulb. Make sure the tip touches the wires and make sure to test all the wires.

5. Remove the nut cap and expose the wires once you are certain there is no power.

6. Untwist the wires to remove the fixture from the wall. Cut the wires if necessary-if you need to cut them you'll also need to strip some insulation so you can reattach them to the new fixture.

7. Climb down the ladder and inspect your new light fixture. Read the manufacturer's instructions for assembly then do a trial run so that you don't have to figure it all out while you're on top of the ladder.

8. Grab the light fixture and a cordless drill then get up the ladder again. Mount the light into the light box then drill the screws in place.

9. Connect the wires. Make sure to connect the colors correctly-white to white, black to black and so on. If there is grounding wire, attach it to the light box.

10. Twist the wires together then screw a nut cap in place to cover them.

11. Attach any additions such as a protective waterproof place according to the manufacturer's instructions.

12. Insert a new lightbulb, and then adjust the light settings using the switch underneath the unit. Set it to "test"-this will keep the light on permanently so you can make sure it's working.

13. Test your new light by turning the power on. If it doesn't work, turn the power off then repeat the above steps to check your work. Don't forget to use the voltage tester when you expose the wires.

14. Once the light is working correctly, reset the motion-sensor switch then attach the face plate.

15. Seal the unit with weatherproof caulk (this should be silicone-based for best results), after first making sure the area is completely dry.

16. Aim the light sensor toward the ground at an angle of approximately 45 degrees.

17.Check the motion sensor once night falls to make sure it detects motion in the appropriate area. You may also need to adjust the sensitivity of the sensor.

Tags: voltage tester, your property, also need, expose wires, light fixture, Make sure