Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Download Pictures From A Digital Camera

Tp remove digital photos from your camera, connect it to a computer.

After you fill your digital camera with pictures, you can transfer them to a computer to save, edit or share with other people. Windows imports pictures from a digital camera to your hard drive even without additional camera software. After you copy the pictures from the camera to the computer, erase them from the camera to make room for new photos and videos.


1. Connect the digital camera to its USB cable. Plug the cable to a USB port on the computer. Turn on the camera and wait for it connect to the computer.

2. Wait for the Windows dialog box "Auto Play" to open. When it appears, click "Import pictures and videos using Windows." The computer displays the import dialog wizard.

3. Enter a tag for the pictures in the "Tag these pictures" input box. A tag is a keyword that helps you find the pictures when you search for them later. To use two or more tags for the same group of pictures, type a semicolon after each tag to distinguish the tags from one another. For example, use "flowers; scenery; spring."

4. Click "Import." Windows copies the pictures from the camera to a new folder and opens the folder after the import is completed. The name of the folder is the current date plus the tag you chose.

Tags: digital camera, from camera, connect computer, pictures from, pictures from camera