Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What To Do If A Radar Detector Is Not Working

No one likes getting traffic tickets, but a radar detector can provide an extra measure of security against a momentary lapse of attention. If your radar detector is on the fritz, there are a few things you can do.

Obey the Speed Limit

If your radar detector is not working, the first thing you should do is not drive over the speed limit. You may get a ticket, and cops generally won't let a driver with a radar detector off with a warning, whether it's working or not.

Check the Connections

If the radar detector works off the vehicle's 12-volt power adapter, make sure it's plugged in all the way. If it runs off of batteries, try a fresh set of batteries. Check any cords that go to secondary parts of the unit to make sure everything is plugged in.

Check the Owner's Manual

Check the manual for troubleshooting tips. Some detectors have fuses that can blow out, or replaceable power cords. Others have remote antennas that need to be kept unobstructed. If you've tried everything in the manual, contact the manufacturer of the radar detector.

Tags: radar detector, your radar detector, make sure, your radar