Monday, November 11, 2013

What Is A Camera Lens Focal Length Conversion Factor

Understanding focal length conversion factor will help your photography.

Most digital single lens reflex (SLR) cameras have an APS-C sensor which is smaller than a frame of 35mm film. Because APS-C cameras are not full frame, each company has a specific lens focal length conversion (or crop) factor.


Full frame vs. APS-C cameras.

Shoot a photo of a bridge with a full-frame camera and then take the exact same subject again with an APS-C camera. The resulting two pictures will not be identical. The full-frame image will include a greater portion of the bridge, while the APS-C shot will grab a narrower view or, essentially, look cropped.

Conversion Factor

Camera brand determines the focal length conversion factor.

The lens focal length conversion factor is 1.5x for Nikon, 1.6x for Canon and 2.0x for Olympus.

Focal Length

Nikons have a focal length conversion factor of 1.5x.

What effect does the conversion factor have on the focal length of a lens? If you are using a 100mm lens on an APS-C Nikon, you multiply 100mm by the 1.5x conversion factor. The focal length of the lens now has the equivalent of 150mm.


APS-C cameras are less expensive.

APS-C cameras are lighter and significantly less expensive than full-frame models.


Focal length conversion can enhance wildlife photography.

You can use the focal length conversion factor to your advantage. When shooting wildlife, you will benefit from a more powerful telephoto lens. A 400mm lens used on an APS-C Canon is comparable to 640mm. The extra 240mm can be invaluable in capturing an elusive bird in flight.

Tags: length conversion, APS-C cameras, conversion factor, focal length conversion, focal length, focal length