Thursday, November 7, 2013

Take Care Of Lithiumion Batteries

It is important to take care of your lithium-ion battery.

Lithium-ion batteries are now the standard battery format used in just about every major electronic device, ranging from laptop computers to digital cameras. These batteries are going to eventually wear down and lose their charging capacity, but you can extend their life by following a few specific instructions.


1. Store the lithium-ion battery at room temperature. Do not expose it to high temperatures (above 90 degrees F) or low temperatures (around the freezing mark or below). This causes the battery's inner workings to expand and retract, forcing it to lose power and possibly permanently damage the equipment in which it is used.

2. Use the battery until its power is completely gone, then recharge it completely. If you charge the battery when only half of its power is gone, it will begin to not use the remaining power as it will eventually no longer detect the area that is never used.

3. Use the lithium-ion battery only in the equipment with which it is designed to function. (This means if its packaging states it is used only for a specific camera or laptop, use it only in the stated equipment.) Other equipment may use a different charge, which will cause the lithium-ion battery to quickly deplete its stored power, thereby reducing its life.

Tags: lithium-ion battery