Thursday, July 22, 2010

Improve Phone Receiver Sound

On occasion, the quality of sound coming through your phone speaker is less than satisfactory. It's cumbersome to ship your phone under warranty to the manufacturer. The casing of many modern phones makes it impossible for most people to access the interior without damaging the casing. But if you can access the case, there are some steps you can take to improve the sound of your phone's receiver.


1. Find out if it's the transmitter at the other end that's causing the trouble. This is especially likely if the problem you're encountering is an echo.

2. Open the receiver by unscrewing, unclipping or whatever your phone's model requires. Make sure that you keep the screws in a safe place where they will not be lost.

3. Use a dust pump or other dust remover to clean the interior of the receiver. Perhaps dust buildup has caused a short-circuit. Take care that no wires are damaged at this stage. Use cotton swabs moistened with alcohol to clean the interior of the telephone receiver after the dust has been removed.

4. Draw a sketch of the wiring inside the receiver. This is a good precaution even if you don't initially plan to meddle with the circuitry. You might do it later. The sketch doesn't have to be something of CircuitCAD quality, but it does have to show the connections clearly. Pay attention to color coding. You should have no trouble interpreting your sketch.

5. Look for open circuits or short circuits. Short circuits appear as conductors that touch. Open circuits appear as loose wires. If you have previous experience with electronics, use a multimeter to test connections.

6. Clean the screws with an emery cloth and other metallic portions of the receiver. It is advisable not to lift these metallic portions.

7. Put together the dismantled parts and check to see whether the sound quality has improved. If it's still in shabby shape, get some professional help for it.

Tags: your phone, circuits appear, clean interior, metallic portions