Monday, May 24, 2010

The Effects Of A Wide Angle Lens

One of the best features of a single lens reflex camera is the ability to change lenses. Wide angle lenses have short focal lengths that allow for a wider viewing angle and greater depth of field. However, the lens is not without drawbacks, including distortions.

Focal Length

Wide angle lenses have focal lengths of 28 millimeters (mm) or less. A zoom lens with a minimum focal length of less than 28 mm has wide angle capabilities.


Wide angle lenses have less zooming power than standard or telephoto lenses so they capture a wider view than other lenses.

Depth of Field

Wide angle lenses have a greater depth of field than telephoto lenses. This means that more of the photo will be in focus.


A wide angle lens makes objects that are close to the lens look bigger than they actually are and objects that are far away look smaller than they actually are.

Macro Lenses

Some wide angle lenses have macro capabilities, which means they can reproduce subjects at life-size proportions.

Tags: angle lenses, angle lenses have, lenses have, Wide angle lenses, depth field